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Rep. Kelly Calls for Appointment of Special Prosecutor to Investigate IRS Targeting

May 7, 2014


WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) – a member of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight – spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives today in support of H.Res. 565, Calling on Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., to appoint a special counsel to investigate the targeting of conservative non-profit groups by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Highlights of Rep. Kelly’s floor remarks:

“We’re talking about a resolution. Isn’t it amazing that we have to go to a resolution to restore to the American people their faith and trust that they are quickly losing in the government because we will not finish the job?”

“I would invite all of you to go back to what it is when we came in here and we took a pledge. It’s not just a pledge, and it’s not just a responsibility. It is an obligation to get to the truth.”

“A year ago on May 10th, I was 65. This Saturday I will be 66. I’ve learned more about myself in the last year than the American people have learned about what the IRS had done to them.”

“This covers all Americans. This is not a Republican issue; this is not a Democrat issue, a libertarian issue, or an independent issue. Whenever we get to the point where absolutely defending the people we represent becomes secondary to a political agenda, then we have fallen far from where we were supposed to be. In this great House, so much has been decided on policy for the American people. Isn’t it time to restore their faith and confidence in this model?”

“I applaud this issue, and I applaud this resolution. Be it resolved that we will restore to the American people the trust and faith and confidence they have to have in their form of government.”

“It falls on our shoulders, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as representatives of the people of this great country, to get the answers that they deserve. Let’s stop the fooling around about things that don’t really pertain to this and let’s get them the answer.”

“We have to have a resolution for the chief law enforcement officer of the United States to ask him to do his job. That’s pathetic.”

