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Rep. Kelly Calls for Passage of Save American Workers Act on House Floor

January 8, 2015

House passes bipartisan bill co-sponsored by Rep. Kelly
to repeal Obamacare’s job-killing 30-hour work week rule

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Rep. Kelly: “This is not a Republican Congress. This is not a
Democrat Congress. It’s America’s Congress.”


WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) – a member of the House Ways and Means Committee – delivered remarks on the floor of the House of Representatives today in support of H.R. 30, the Save American Workers Act, of which he is an original co-sponsor. The bipartisan legislation would repeal the 30-hour definition of “full-time employment” in the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and restore the traditional 40-hour definition. The House passed the bill this afternoon by a bipartisan vote of 252-172.

Highlights of Rep. Kelly’s floor remarks:

“This is America’s Congress. This is not a Republican Congress. This is not a Democrat Congress. It’s America’s Congress.

“Who have you hurt the most with this policy? Women, lower-income, and middle-income people have suffered greatly. How do I know that? Because I’m actually in the job market! I’ve actually hired people! I know the dignity of labor and I know the harm that is being done by this ‘[Affordable] Care Act’ that is totally unaffordable and uncaring.

“We don’t have to dismantle [Obamacare]. It’s falling apart on its own. And in fact it’s so bad that the president won’t even enforce the full law until after an election. Please tell me politics didn’t have anything to do with that.

“Let’s do what’s right for the American people for a change and quit trying to posture upon some kind of a political stance that is just based on fantasy.”



Issues:Health Care